Elena Fombertaux is an artist, illustrator, and graphic designer interested in how creativity positively influences the world around us and uplifts community. This site is a space for her independent projects.
Often inspired by nature, her dream-like work blurs the lines between the natural and fantastic.

Recently showcased in Adobe’s “Takeover Tomorrow” campaign, she used Adobe Firefly’s Ai in her concept workflow to illustrate contrasting futures for the Great Barrier Reef, and inspire action. She discussed her process during a panel interview at Adobe Max 2023 alongside other young creatives and is featured on the Adobe blog.

Her illustration work has adorned the covers of magazines and books in print, most notably for ‘The Hipsters Trilogy’, a psychedelic murder mystery spanning Detroit in the 1960’s-80’s, written by U.S writer Steven A. Finly.

This cover design was also recognised by international design studio ‘Buck’ through their Buckuback initiative.


She’s interested in placemaking and community-focused artwork, having been shortlisted for the Perfect Match Street Art Program in the inner west. Additionally, she’s submitted EOIs for large-scale projects, such as the City of Sydney Creative Hoardings grant.

Her designs also extended to merchandise. Find her work in the Artist Skateboard Series by Californian skate brand, Fireball Supply Co, with a deck inspired by travels through the jungles of Central America.

She has also exhibited locally, in Sydney, Australia. If you’d like to support her art practice, head over to the print shop where you can find a selection of art for your walls.